FMERA Continues to Make Security and Safety a Priority
Earlier this month, the Fort Monmouth Economic Revitalization Authority (FMERA) signed an extension of the sublease to the Oceanport Police Department (OPD) to maintain their headquarters at the Main Post Firehouse for another six months. The building, currently leased to FMERA by the U.S. Army, was identified as an ideal location for the OPD to temporarily relocate. Since being displaced from its offices by Superstorm Sandy, the OPD had been working out of trailers. In January 2015, the OPD moved to the Fort and have been an integral element of the Fort’s Main Post activities. FMERA extended the sublease for another six months, while a permanent location is considered.
The OPD makes up just one element of ongoing security and safety priorities on the closed military installation.
“As we continue to push redevelopment projects forward, public accessibility and safety is key,” FMERA Executive Director Bruce Steadman said. “With our partners from the State Police, and the Boroughs of Oceanport, Eatontown and Tinton Falls, we continue to work on strategies to maintain the safety of our staff and visitors, keep our many buildings secure, and increase the public’s access to and through the Fort over time.”
Following the successful bus tour for Oceanport residents held last fall, FMERA will be planning tours for Eatontown and Tinton Falls residents this spring and summer.