Chairman Gorman Honored With Silver Gull Award for Enhancing Economic Growth at Fort Monmouth
On May 7, Chairman James V. Gorman received the Economic Development Award at the Monmouth-Ocean Development Council’s (MODC) 50th Annual Silver Gull Awards Dinner. The MODC bestowed the award in recognition of Chairman Gorman’s commitment to economic growth in Monmouth and Ocean Counties, and in particular, the redevelopment of Fort Monmouth.
“Chairman Gorman works tirelessly to further redevelopment of the Fort and to bring jobs back to the region,” FMERA Executive Director Bruce Steadman said. “We are pleased to see his hard work and dedication recognized by the Monmouth Ocean Development Council.”
Under Chairman Gorman’s direction, FMERA executed the Phase 1 Economic Development Conveyance (EDC) Agreement which authorized the transfer of the Fort Monmouth property from the U.S. Army to FMERA, a historic step forward in the redevelopment of the Fort.
With Chairman Gorman at its helm, the FMERA Board also finalized negotiations for two major companies to establish their presence at the former military installation. Technology-giant CommVault recently completed its new world headquarters on a 55-acre parcel of land on the Fort, and AcuteCare Management Services, LLC continues to renovate the former Patterson Army Health Clinic into a state-of-the-art healthcare facility. With a central focus on attracting investors, developers and employers to the Fort, FMERA has issued eight Requests for Offers to Purchase (RFOTPs) so far this year, paving the way for job creation and economic growth in the region.
Congratulations, Chairman Gorman!