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FMERA Board Approves Conveyance of Avenue of Memories to Monmouth County

With redevelopment well underway on the Fort, the Fort Monmouth Economic Revitalization Authority (FMERA) Board tonight approved conveying the Avenue of Memories, also known as County Road 537 Extension, to Monmouth County. This conveyance remains subject to financing through the County and FMERA’s closing with the Army.

We are working closely with the County and the appropriate law enforcement agencies to ensure that the Avenue of Memories, which is a critical road to the eventual integration of the Fort properties in Eatontown and Oceanport to the surrounding areas, is safe and secure, and that the former Fort buildings along the Avenue are patrolled and protected by video surveillance.

Before the road can be opened in a safe and efficient manner, logistical details need to be addressed. Therefore, the Board also approved FMERA staff entering into a Memorandum of Understanding with the County to address operational issues for opening Avenue of Memories. The County intends to open Avenue of Memories for public use in the fall of this year.


Note: FMERA Board action is subject to a ten (10) day veto period by the Governor.