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FMERA Board Approves Sale of Main Post Chapel to Triumphant Life


Main Post Chapel, located on Malterer Avenue in Oceanport

Continuing its goal of creating a live-work-play community on the Fort, the Fort Monmouth Economic Revitalization Authority (FMERA) Board this month authorized staff to enter into a Purchase and Sale Agreement with Triumphant Life Church Assembly of God for the Main Post Chapel parcel in Oceanport.

Triumphant Life, a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation, will renovate the property for use as a house of worship and community outreach center, and will construct a 115-space parking lot. The company expects to have a staff of 12 on the Fort following completion of renovations and receipt of a certificate of occupancy.

The property is in the Oceanport Horseneck Center Land Use District and the Fort’s Historic District, although the chapel itself is not considered historic.

Note: FMERA Board action is subject to a ten (10) day veto period by the Governor.