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FMERA Issues New Request for Offers to Purchase for Suneagles Golf Course

This month FMERA issued a Request for Offers to Purchase (RFOTP) for the Suneagles Golf Course and Megill Housing area, located along Tinton Avenue in Eatontown. The 171-acre parcel includes historic Gibbs Hall, Joe’s Sports Bar/19th Hole, and the 21 buildings that make up the Megill Housing Area. The property also contains an in-ground swimming pool, tennis courts, maintenance facility and pro-shop.

The Fort Monmouth Reuse and Redevelopment Plan calls for the maintenance of the golf course and the development of a hotel/conference center in the 10-acre Megill Housing area. Based on interest from prospective purchasers, as well as input from FMERA’s master broker, Cushman & Wakefield, FMERA is also accepting offers that include residential uses that complement the golf course, which may include age-targeted or age-restricted units.


Gibbs Hall

The property includes historic Gibbs Hall, an approximately 37,000 square foot club house and catering facility

Responses to the RFOTP are due by noon on December 7, 2016. The RFOTP is available at