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FMERA Issues RFOTP for Charles Wood Fire Station

Continuing its commitment to further redevelopment at Fort Monmouth and bring jobs to the area, the Fort Monmouth Economic Revitalization Authority (FMERA) issued a Request for Offers to Purchase (RFOTP) earlier this month for the Charles Wood Fire Station parcel in Tinton Falls.

CW Fire Station

The Charles Wood Fire Station, located on Corregidor Road in Tinton Falls

The property consists of a four-acre parcel containing the approximately 10,070-square-foot former Charles Wood Fire Station on approximately 2.3 acres of land, plus the adjacent 1.7-acre vacant land parcel to the east of the Fire Station across Heliport Drive.

“The property is close to public transportation, local roads and area amenities, making it an ideal location for redevelopment,” said FMERA Deputy Director Dave Nuse. “The Charles Wood Fire Station property has great potential for commercial use given its close proximity to CommVault’s new corporate headquarters and its excellent access to the Garden State Parkway, one of the most traveled highways in the state.”

The Fort Monmouth Reuse and Redevelopment Plan envisioned reusing the Fire Station for a civic/institutional use. The original RFOTP for the parcel returned limited interest due to restrictions associated with expanding the building and lack of adequate parking. To address these impediments to development, the FMERA Board last year adopted Reuse Plan Amendment #3, which expands the permitted alternative reuse of the Fire Station for commercial/retail use rather than for civic use. The amendment also allows for commercial/retail and/or accessory parking use on the adjacent vacant 1.7-acre parcel.

A copy of the RFOTP can be found at Responses are due by noon on July 8, 2016.