FMERA Seeks Redevelopment of Barracks as Cultural Center
Diversifying the types of development that it aims to attract, the Fort Monmouth Economic Revitalization Authority (FMERA) issued a Request for Offers to Purchase (RFOTP) at the beginning of the month that seeks proposals for the redevelopment of six former Barracks (Buildings 1102 through 1107) into a cultural center that promotes the arts. The RFOTP is for both the Barracks and the adjacent Soldiers Park in Eatontown. The World War II-era Barracks total approximately 24,780 square feet and occupy a 2.1-acre parcel of land. Soldiers Park totals approximately 2.7 additional acres of land on the Fort.
While the Fort Monmouth Reuse and Redevelopment Plan calls for the Barracks buildings to be demolished, FMERA is seeking plans calling for Soldiers Park to remain as open space, and for one or more alternate uses of the Barracks, including the creation of a cultural center that promotes the arts, music, entertainment or a museum. This would include up to 12 units of artist short-term tenancy and studio space, or for non-residential arts-based use.
“The creation of a cultural center would help to advance the overall vision for the Fort, which is to create a vibrant community where residents can live, work, and play,” FMERA Senior Project Officer Candice Valente said.
The RFOTP calls for Soldiers Park to be deed-restricted open space and notes that potential purchasers and any subsequent owners must maintain the two existing monuments on the property.
Responses are due by noon on August 29. A copy of the RFOTP can be found at