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Commvault Expanding with Purchase of Charles Wood Fire Station in Tinton Falls

Commvault, the first anchor tenant to set down roots on Fort Monmouth following the base closure in 2011, will expand its footprint on the Fort following the purchase of the Charles Wood Fire Station Parcel on Corrigidor Road in Tinton Falls.

The Fort Monmouth Economic Revitalization Authority (FMERA) issued a Request for Offers to Purchase (RFOTP) in connection with the planned redevelopment of the Charles Wood Fire Station Parcel in Tinton Falls in May 2016. The Charles Wood Fire Station Parcel is an approximately 2.3-acre parcel that contains the former fire station (Building 2560) plus the adjacent 1.7-acre tract to the east of the Charles Wood Fire Station. Building 2560 is a circa 2001 10,070-square-foot one-story fire station consisting of three high-bays, offices, bedrooms, a day room, kitchen and associated parking. FMERA staff received interest in the building for potential commercial and retail reuse or recreation space which would cater to the various developments around this site. After ranking as the highest-scoring bidder, Commvault was selected as the developer and subsequently closed on the property on May 22, 2018.

Commvault is a global leader in enterprise data management solutions, data virtualization, and cloud management.  Since opening its doors on Fort Monmouth in late 2014, Commvault has generated nearly 900 jobs and paved the way for establishing a technology-centric business community at the core of the Fort’s overall live-work-play development. Additional technology companies operating at Fort Monmouth include TetherView, AASKI Technology, and additional technology-focused tenants located in historic Russel Hall.

“We’re pleased that so many successful technology companies—including Commvault—are choosing to locate at the Fort, which has historically been known for innovation and technological firsts,” said FMERA Director of Real Estate and Deputy Executive Director Dave Nuse. “Commvault’s continued growth and forward-thinking vision are reflective of our mission and goals for the Fort’s overall development.”

Commvault proposes to adaptively reuse the Fire Station as corporate office and training space and may include swing space for Commvault’s customer initiatives, as well as recreation uses within the open space on the property. Additionally, Commvault has the option to improve the property with additional square footage to accommodate additional office space, contingent on site constraints including but not limited to floodplain and stream encroachment restrictions, and subject to the Fort’s Reuse Plan and Land Use Rules, as amended.
