Environmental Staff Advisory Committee Updates:
November 10, 2011
Colleen Kokas, NJDEP Manager of Redevelopment and Business Assistance, represented the NJDEP at the November 10, 2011 Board Meeting. Ms. Kokas noted that the Environmental Staff Advisory Committee did not meet this month. Ms. Kokas stated that the Baseline Ecological Evaluation (BEE) is still under review and NJDEP will meet with the Army to address all environmental issues on the Fort property. Ms. Kokas concluded by stating that there is a Coordination Meeting between Army and DEP scheduled for late November.
October 19, 2011
Michele Siekerka noted that the Environmental Staff Advisory Committee met on October 5, 2011 at the FMERA Office. Ms. Siekerka stated that the Committee discussed confidential matters related to job-creating projects.
The Chairwoman explained that any information regarding environmental issues at Fort Monmouth is public information, but when discussing job-creating projects there must be confidentiality, so as to not jeopardize the confidentiality requirements of the prospective employers, or the negotiations with the Army.
Ms. Siekerka further stated that the Committee discussed the Finding Of Suitability to Lease (FOSL) for Suneagles Golf Course. In addition, she noted that DEP reviewed the FOSL, and the DEP comments were not substantial. Ms. Siekerka noted that if the DEP has any concerns with future Findings Of Suitability to Transfer (FOSTs) or FOSLs, the DEP will engage the Army in a dialogue about those concerns. Ms. Siekerka shared with the Committee that there will be another Coordination Meeting between DEP and the Army regarding the Baseline Ecological Evaluation (BEE) and FOSTs for phase 1 parcels.
Ms. Siekerka also noted that there was some discussion on possible vapor intrusion at the Myer Center and the Committee asked Julie Carver of Matrix to prepare a summary of vapor intrusion data to be presented at a future meeting.
September 21, 2011
Bruce Steadman provided an update on behalf of Committee Chairwoman Michele Siekerka who was not present at the meeting.
Mr. Steadman stated that there was not an Advisory Committee meeting in September. Mr. Steadman further stated that the N.J. Department of Environmental Protection’s (DEP) review of the Base Ecological Evaluation (BEE) report is concluding and the hope is to have a report for the Board in October. It was also reported that there were metals found in the Golf Course area and the metals are part of the glauconitic study being conducted by the Army. The DEP reviewed the Finding of Suitability to Lease (FOSL) for the Golf Course and found no significant concerns.
August 17, 2011
Chairwoman Michele Siekerka noted that the Environmental Staff Advisory Committee met on August 10, 2011 at the FMERA Office. Ms. Siekerka stated that she gave a briefing at the Committee Meeting on the Department of Environmental Protection’s (DEP) Coordination Meeting with FMERA, the Matrix Design Group and the Army. The meeting was organized to discuss any environmental matters on Phase 1 properties. Ms. Siekerka explained that in the Coordination Meeting the participants addressed four specific carve-out areas with regard to environmental issues that require further remediation.
Ms. Siekerka gave a status update on DEP’s review of the Army’s Baseline Ecological Evaluation (BEE), stating that DEP has staff members reviewing the document. DEP hopes to have an assessment of the BEE by the end of September.
Mayor Tarantolo stated that he receives many questions about environmental issues on the Fort property. The Mayor asked if some of the environmental information could be posted on FMERA’s website to address citizens’ questions and concerns. The DAG stated that there is no legal reason why information cannot be posted.
Chairman Gorman asked Chairwoman Siekerka if the Army if forthcoming and responsive with information regarding environmental issues. Ms. Siekerka stated that DEP has found that Army to be forthcoming and that the DEP and the Army have a good working relationship.