Historical Preservation Staff Advisory Committee
- Robert Ades, Chairman
- Randall Gabrielan, Monmouth County Representative
- Gary Baldwin, Tinton Falls Representative
- Kathy English, Eatontown Representative
- Ted Ibex, Oceanport Representative
- Edward O’Neill, College Educator
- Ned Guant, Developer by Trade
- Real Estate Professional – Open
- Dorothy Guzzo, National Advocacy Group
Housing Staff Advisory Committee
- Charles Richman, Chairman
- Donna Blaze, Monmouth County Representative
- Linda Zucaro, Tinton Falls Representative
- Mayor Tarantolo, Eatontown Representative
- William Johnson, Oceanport Representative
- Dr. Dean Moliver, College Educator
- Jim Kennedy, Developer by Trade
- Real Estate Professional – Open
- John Yaecker, National Advocacy Group
Veterans Staff Advisory Committee
- Lillian Burry, Chairwoman
- Mike Ruane, Monmouth County Representative
- Gary Baldwin, Tinton Falls Representative
- Joe Gugliuzza, Eatontown Representative
- Ted Ibex, Oceanport Representative
- Steve Curto, College Educator
- Scott Havard, Developer by Trade
- Harry Harrup, Real Estate Developer
- Frank Cosentino, National Advocacy Group
Environmental Staff Advisory Committee
- Kenneth J. Kloo, Chairman
- Linda Range, Department of Environmental Protection, Case Manager
- Jennifer DiLorenzo, Monmouth County Representative
- Edward Dlugosz, Eatontown Representative
- Richard Gruskos, Oceanport Representative
- Jonathan Cohen, Tinton Falls Representative
- Leah Yasenchak, Real Estate Professional
- Mark Mauriello, Developer by Trade
- College Educator – Open
- Ben Forest, National Advocacy Group
Environmental Staff Advisory Committee Updates
December 18, 2013
The Committee met on December 5th and discussed the following:
- Update on the redevelopment effort, which included a status update on each Request for Offer to Purchase (RFOTP) that has been issued or will soon be issued. The discussion addressed environmental issues that may occur on any of these parcels.
- Discussion regarding the Army’s indication that there is an ongoing study by the Army and NJDEP of the underground heating oil tanks (UHOTs) on the Officer Housing Parcel. All of the UHOTs were removed in the late 2000s. The Army’s Finding of Suitability to Transfer (FOST) will address the UHOTs.
- Discussion regarding the four 1 thousand gallon UHOTs on the Pistol Range Parcel. The NJDEP issued a No Further Action (NFA) letter in 1993.
- Update on the Motor Pool parcel which is leased by the County of Monmouth. There are 5 monitoring wells off-site.
November 13, 2013
The Environmental Staff Advisory Committee (ESAC) met on Monday, November 4, 2013 at the FMERA offices.
Committee members were joined by representatives from the Langan-Matrix team, the newly selected environmental consultant to FMERA.
As we do for each meeting, Committee members were asked to provide additional agenda items; none were provided.
The Langan Engineering and Matrix Design Group representatives introduced themselves to the Committee, provided an overview of their background and experience and explained the working relationship for the Langan-Matrix team.
The Matrix representative provided a brief overview of key environmental issues related to current RFOTP parcels: parcels B, C, C-1, V-1, Howard Commons, Officer’s Housing, and Russel Hall.
The Langan representative also provided a brief overview of the following permits/approvals that apply to the former Fort property including:
- Air
- Stormwater
- Treatment Works Approval (sanitary waste water)
- Water Allocation (golf course irrigation)
- Hazardous Waste
- Wetlands
- Stream Encroachment
Committee members were asked to suggest topics for discussion at future meetings. The two topics recommended for future discussion were a more detailed discussion of the groundwater test results and an update on the condition of the landfills.
October 16, 2013
Kenneth J. Kloo stated that the Committee did not meet this month, but a meeting is scheduled for November 4th. Mr. Steadman stated that the Committee did not meet due to there being no environmental issues to address and the Committee is awaiting the Langan/Matrix team to be present at the November meeting.
September 18, 2013
The FMERA Environmental Staff Advisory Committee met on Monday, September 9, 2013.
FMERA staff informed the Committee that at the September 18 meeting of the Authority, the Board will be asked to authorize staff to issue the Marina through the Request for Offer to Purchase (RFOTP) process. Staff provided an environmental overview of the parcel, which included informing the Committee that a defined area where a historic pesticide discharge occurred will be identified as not suitable for residential reuse. The NJDEP Case Manager advised the Committee that approximately 1,000 tons of contaminated soil was removed from the Parcel and that once all of the pertinent information is received by the NJDEP, a No Further Action (NFA) equivalent will be issued by the Department.
FMERA staff informed the Committee that the Suneagles Golf Course will be advertised for sale in the coming weeks, and that the property received an NFA in April 2012.
FMERA staff raised the topic of wetland banking for discussion and the Developer/Builder Representative provided an overview of wetland banking. Wetland mitigation banking is used when a party wants to fill a wet area and purchases credits from an entity that is an approved bank. The goal is to replace the exact function of a wetland habitat that would be adversely affected by a proposed project. The group decided that wetland banking is not a preferred option at this time.
FMERA staff then provided an update on the Howard Commons parcel in Eatontown, stating that FMERA is in exclusive negotiations with HovWest Land Acquisition LLC (HovWest) and HovWest is planning on constructing 275 new townhomes on the property, with 20% of these being affordable.
FMERA staff provided an update on Parcel V-1 in Eatontown, stating that an RFOTP was issued on September 6 for the 10-acre parcel which is intended for the creation of a Veterans Community.
In response to a question from the Eatontown Representative, FMERA staff responded that the property has not yet received a Finding of Suitability to Transfer (FOST), but no significant environmental issues associated with the Parcel were expected based on its known past uses.
FMERA staff provided an update on Russel Hall stating that an RFOTP was issued for the building on September 6. The building served as the Garrison Headquarters and would be well suited for an administrative office reuse.
FMERA staff advised the Committee that FMERA would be applying for a grant to fund the demolition of the Myer Center. Currently, FMERA’s engineer and associates are putting together specifications for a demolition services Request for Proposals (RFP).