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Historical Preservation Staff Advisory Committee

  • Robert Ades, Chairman
  • Randall Gabrielan, Monmouth County Representative
  • Gary Baldwin, Tinton Falls Representative
  • Kathy English, Eatontown Representative
  • Ted Ibex, Oceanport Representative
  • Edward O’Neill, College Educator
  • Ned Gaunt, Developer by Trade
  • Real Estate Professional – Open
  • Dorothy Guzzo, Advocacy Group Representative

Housing Staff Advisory Committee

  • Gina Fischetti, Chairwoman
  • Donna Blaze, Monmouth County Representative
  • Linda Zucaro, Tinton Falls Representative
  • Mayor Tarantolo, Eatontown Representative
  • Chris Paglia, Oceanport Representative
  • College Educator – Open
  • Developer by Trade – Open
  • Paul Ceppi, Real Estate Professional
  • John Yaecker, Advocacy Group Representative

Veterans Staff Advisory Committee

  • Lillian Burry, Chairwoman
  • Mike Ruane, Monmouth County Representative
  • Gary Baldwin, Tinton Falls Representative
  • Joe Gugliuzza, Eatontown Representative
  • Ted Ibex, Oceanport Representative
  • Steve Curto, College Educator
  • Scott Havard, Developer by Trade
  • Harry Harrup, Real Estate Developer
  • Frank Cosentino, Advocacy Group Representative

Environmental Staff Advisory Committee

  • Kenneth J. Kloo, Chairman
  • Linda Range, Department of Environmental Protection, Case Manager
  • Jennifer DiLorenzo, Monmouth County Representative
  • Edward Dlugosz, Eatontown Representative
  • Richard Gruskos, Oceanport Representative
  • Jonathan Cohen, Tinton Falls Representative
  • Leah Yasenchak, Real Estate Professional
  • Developer by Trade – Open
  • College Educator – Open
  • Ben Forest, National Advocacy Group

Environmental Staff Advisory Committee Updates

December 17, 2014
Bruce Steadman, on behalf of Kenneth J. Kloo, stated that the Committee met on December 1st and discussed the following:

  • Overview and discussion regarding the environmental conditions at Parcel F-2, the Veterans Community and Parcel F-3, the former gas station in Tinton Falls.
  • Discussion regarding the 34 carve-outs, some of which are landfills, to obtain a No Further Action (NFA) letter.
  • Update on the Unregulated Heating Oil Tank (UHOT) issues, in particular where the federal law stops and the State lawbegins.
  • Update on the upcoming RFOTPs.

November 12, 2014
Kenneth J. Kloo stated that the Committee did not meet this month, but is scheduled to meet on December 1st.

October 15, 2014
Kenneth J. Kloo stated that the Committee met on October 6th and discussed the following:

  • Senior Environmental Officer Joseph Fallon, the newest member of FMERA’s staff, was introduced to the Committee. Mr. Fallon, who will be responsible for permitting and compliance for the property, provided a summary of environmental permits, inspections and reports that FMERA is responsible for as a landowner.
  • FMERA staff provided an overview of the Mandatory Conceptual Review (MCR) of the RPM site plan for the renovation of the former non-commissioned Officers Housing that will be converted to rental units. No impact to any environmental features were identified; therefore, no further action is required by the Committee.
  • The Army recently presented a plan for addressing any remaining Unregulated Heating Oil Tanks at a recent Restoration Advisory Board meeting. The Committee elected to defer further discussion until FMERA and the NJDEP have time to review and digest the plan.
  • The Committee also discussed the Ecological Assessment presentation by the NJDEP staff at a Restoration Advisory Board meeting this summer. The same presentation was originally prepared and presented to Eatontown Council and Environmental Committee members in response to a request by Mayor Tarantolo relative to concerns of contamination at Wampum Lake. The Ecological Assessment concluded, and DEP concurred, that there was no evidence of any contamination attributable to the Fort, and contaminants found in Wampum Lake were consistent with those found in other similar water bodies sampled throughout the County.

September 17, 2014
Kenneth J. Kloo stated that the Committee met on September 8th and discussed the following:

  • Presentation on the use of environmental insurance for risk management by Bob Hallenbeck, Senior Vice President at XL Insurance. Mr. Hallenbeck provided an overview of his background with environmental insurance policies on former military installations across the country, as well as a brief history of environmental insurance in general. Mr. Hallenbeck explained how environmental insurance could mitigate FMERA’s exposure, if any, and be used as a marketing tool to encourage redevelopment. He noted that a developer, local redevelopment agency or municipality could be covered from potential exposure due to exacerbation of a known condition during remediation or an unknown condition that develops during demolition or construction. He noted a basic insurance policy covers remediation costs, bodily or property injury or harm, and legal defense costs. Mr. Hallenbeck answered several questions posed by the members of the Committee including pricing and policy structures, transferability, regulatory reopener provisions, claims process and the Army’s continuing responsibility.
  • FMERA staff provided an update of the several Requests for Offers to Purchase that have been modified to include additional parcels.
  • FMERA staff updated the Committee on ongoing discussion with FMERA’s planning consultant, PPG, on open space across the Fort. PPG will provide a summary of inconsistencies in definitions and accounting for open space at a future date in order to create a more accurate inventory and reuse plan. Municipal Committee members expressed interest in participating in the process to ensure their municipalities’ interests were considered. The Monmouth County Representative noted that the County is undergoing a review of the Master Plan and would appreciate information on the updated open space inventory.
  • After some discussion it was agreed the Committee would continue to meet at 5PM on the first Monday of the month for the next year.

August 20, 2014

Kenneth J. Kloo stated that the Committee met on August 4th and discussed the following:

  • Discussion on the portions of the Phase 1 and Phase 2 parcels that would be excluded from any current and future RFOTPs due to ongoing investigation or remediation activities.
  • Discussion on the closure requirements and future uses of the existing landfills including passive and active recreation, solar power and traditional redevelopment.
  • Update on the recent developments concerning the Howard Commons RFOTP.

July 16, 2014

Bruce Steadman, on behalf of Kenneth J. Kloo, stated that the Committee did not meet this month.

June 18, 2014

Kenneth J. Kloo state that the Committee met on June 2nd and discussed the following:

  • Discussion regarding the Finding of Suitability to Lease (FOSL) for the Officer Housing and Russel Hall parcels. The main topic of discussion was the location of unregulated heating oil tanks throughout the Officer Housing site. FMERA staff will be following up with the Army  on the status of each tank location and will provide feedback at the next meeting of the Committee.Overview of the conceptual site plan for Parcels C and C1, which led to a discussion of the various methods to encourage environmentally-friendly redevelopment in the RFOTP process. It was agreed that FMERA will have more flexibility to pursue these and other goals in Phase 2 redevelopment, when the Army is no longer a partner.
  • Overview and current status of Howard Commons, Parcel B, and the Marina projects.
  • Update to an issue discussed at the April meeting, the Committee discussed the Army’s recent re-evaluation of the PCB contamination near Gibbs Hall. Based on the results of the re-evaluation, the property has received an unrestricted No Further Action letter and no deed notice will be required. This will enable the property to be more easily marketed in the future.

May 21, 2014

Chairman Kenneth J. Kloo stated that the Committee did not meet this month.

April 23, 2014

Bruce Steadman, on behalf of Kenneth J. Kloo, stated that the Committee met on April 7th and discussed the following:

  • Overview of the landfills and Installation Restoration Program (IRP) sites.
  • Discussion regarding the landfills. Army must demonstrate it has adequately categorized all landfills and provide plans to address each. The Army has a long-term obligation to address each landfill and the process is 65-70% completed by the Army and NJDEP.
  • Discussion regarding the effect the environmental status has on FMERA’s ability to sell property. They do not interfere with the day to day activities.
  • Overview of the PCB contamination in an area near Gibbs Hall, which requires a Deed Notice with the transfer of property to FMERA. PCB contaminated soils were removed, however, areas remain above the level required for residential sites. The remaining contamination is below the DEP’s non-residential standard. Leaving the minor exceedences in place was approved by the DEP, with associated institutional controls/Deed Notice.
  • Update on the Marina
  • Update on Parcel B
  • Update on Officer Housing
  • Update on the Chapel
  • Update on the Fitness Center
  • Update on Pinebrook Commerce Center (Fabrication Shops)
  • Update on Parcels C and C1
  • Update on the Pistol Range
  • Update on the Golf Course
  • Update on Howard Commons

March 19, 2014

Chairman Kenneth J. Kloo stated that the Committee did not meet this month.

February 19, 2014

The FMERA Environmental Staff Advisory Committee met on Wednesday, February 12, 2014, at 5:00 PM.

FMERA staff provided the Committee with a brief overview of AcuteCare’s Mandatory Conceptual Review (MCR) application which was received December 19, 2013.

In the MCR Application, AcuteCare is proposing to adaptively reuse the former Patterson Army Clinic, limiting construction to the existing building footprint.

FMERA staff has determined that AcuteCare’s MCR application and the Environmental Features checklist demonstrate that the project does not impact environmental features listed in the Natural Resources Inventory (NRI) and, therefore, no action is required by the Committee.

The Environmental Features checklist will be posted on the host municipality’s website – in the case of the Clinic – Oceanport Borough.

FMERA staff discussed the preliminary site plan for the Howard Commons redevelopment, but stated FMERA has not seen a final plan for the site and that when it is received, it will be shared with the Committee.

The DEP Case Manager provided a comparison of the Army’s list of Installation Restoration Program (IRP) sites and the DEP’s Area of Concern (AOC) inventory for the Ft. Monmouth property. The DEP Case Manager and FMERA staff will work with the Army to clear up any discrepancies between the two lists.

FMERA staff then provided a brief update on the RFOTPs for the:

  • Myer Center Site
  • Officer Housing
  • Pistol Range
  • Marina
  • Gibbs Hall
  • Parcels C & C1

The meeting was adjourned at 6:20 pm.

January 15, 2014

Chairman Kenneth J. Kloo stated that the Committee did not meet this month.