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Historic Preservation Staff Advisory Committee

  • Bruce Steadman, Acting Chairman
  • Randall Gabrielan, Monmouth County Representative
  • Gary Baldwin, Tinton Falls Representative
  • Kathy English, Eatontown Representative
  • Ted Ibex, Oceanport Representative
  • Edward O’Neill, College Educator
  • Ned Gaunt, Developer by Trade
  • Real Estate Professional – Open
  • Dorothy Guzzo, Advocacy Group Representative

Housing Staff Advisory Committee

  • Gina Fischetti, Chairwoman
  • Donna Blaze, Monmouth County Representative
  • Linda Zucaro, Tinton Falls Representative
  • Mayor Dennis Connelly, Eatontown Representative
  • Chris Paglia, Oceanport Representative
  • College Educator – Open
  • Developer by Trade – Open
  • Paul Ceppi, Real Estate Professional
  • John Yaecker, Advocacy Group Representative

Veterans Staff Advisory Committee

  • Lillian Burry, Chairwoman
  • Mike Ruane, Monmouth County Representative
  • Gary Baldwin, Tinton Falls Representative
  • Joe Gugliuzza, Eatontown Representative
  • Ted Ibex, Oceanport Representative
  • Steve Curto, College Educator
  • Scott Havard, Developer by Trade
  • Harry Harrup, Real Estate Developer
  • Frank Cosentino, Advocacy Group Representative

Environmental Staff Advisory Committee

  • Kenneth J. Kloo, Chairman
  • Linda Range, Department of Environmental Protection, Case Manager
  • Jennifer DiLorenzo, Monmouth County Representative
  • Edward Dlugosz, Eatontown Representative
  • Richard Gruskos, Oceanport Representative
  • Jonathan Cohen, Tinton Falls Representative
  • Gail Helfrick, Real Estate Professional
  • Developer by Trade – Open
  • College Educator – Open
  • Ben Forest, National Advocacy Group

Environmental Staff Advisory Committee Updates

December 16, 2015

Kenneth J. Kloo stated that the Committee met on December 7th and discussed the following:

  • Overview of the Mandatory Conceptual Review application for Building 2525, including the proposed extension to the parking area and the mitigation for stormwater runoff. The Committee discussed the history of remediation at the site and the ongoing environmental due diligence. It was noted that no environmental features or open space identified in FMERA’s Natural Resource Inventory are impacted, therefore, no further action by the Committee is warranted.
  • Summary of the proposed redevelopment of Russel Hall in the Oceanport Reuse Area and an overview of the Finding of Suitability to Lease (FOSL) prepared by the Army to allow for occupancy of the building prior to closing with FMERA. All environmental issues related to the site were addressed in the FOSL.
  • Summary of three issues related to the purchase of the Fitness Center in Oceanport, including a Tidelands claim by the Department of Environmental Protection that runs through the site, the potential existence of freshwater wetlands on a portion of the site, and the need to submit a CAFRA permit related to the relocation of a drainage pipe on the site. The Committee discussed the process for addressing these issues, as well as infrastructure issues throughout the site.
  • Update on discussions with the Army related to friable asbestos throughout the Phase 2 properties. The Committee discussed the timeline for addressing asbestos in high-value reuse buildings, as well as the State’s oversight of asbestos remediation and/or encapsulation.
  • Discussion on the current status of the final negotiations on the Phase 2 Finding of Suitability to Transfer (FOST). FMERA is working to address three remaining issues with the Army, including federal versus state remediation standards, asbestos identification and responsibility, and Phase 2 carve-out timelines, including landfills.
  • Update on current and future Requests for Offers to Purchase (RFOTPs), including the Golf Course, Buildings 601 & 603, Barkers Circle, Allison Hall, the Lodging Area, Eatontown Barracks, and the Charles Wood Firehouse.

November 12, 2015

Kenneth J. Kloo stated that the Committee did not meet this month. The Committee will meet on December 7th.

October 21, 2015

Kenneth J. Kloo stated the Committee met on October 6th and discussed the following:

  • The focus of the meeting was a discussion of the draft Phase 2 Finding of Suitability to Transfer (FOST) for the Phase 2 parcels, which includes the balance of the parcels to be transferred. The current document is in draft form as discussions with the Army continue.
  • Discussion of the seven Environmental Condition of Property (ECP) descriptions that the Army uses to categorize all properties to be transferred. Three of the categories relate to properties that will not be conveyed to FMERA at this time, and require further remediation and review by the Army. There are some parcels considered carve-outs within other, larger parcels categorizes as eligible for conveyance to FMERA. The Committee discussed the legal authority governing the Army’s obligations related to both regulated and unregulated tanks. The DEP representatives will investigate legal strategies employed at other federal properties with similar issues.
  • Discussion of the active and inactive Installation Restoration Program (IRP) sites, as well as additional environmental investigation sites, where Army work is in progress. It was noted that language in the FOST is inconsistent with the prior Army reports related to regulated and unregulated tanks. This is an ongoing topic of discussion with the Army and FMERA will work to tighten the language in the final draft of the FOST to ensure the Army satisfies its obligations.
  • Review of the language related to polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and asbestos, some of which requires further discussion with the Army. FMERA is currently awaiting an updated asbestos survey and report from the Army.
  • Discussion of a section of the document entitled “Environmental Protection Provisions.” FMERA staff is working to incorporate language in this section that would differentiate between management of groundwater encountered during construction and site development, and the use of ground water for potable purposes.
  • Discussion of the current status of the Army’s plans for landfill closure. FMERA staff noted that the Army contractor has just recently completed field work delineating the landfill boundaries.

September 16, 2015

Kenneth J. Kloo stated that the Committee met on September 3rd and discussed the following:

  • FMERA staff provided a summary of the former gas station located on Parcel F-3 in Tinton Falls, as well as the sampling results from ongoing groundwater monitoring. All underground storage tanks (USTs) have been removed and one above-ground tank remains. The Committee discussed the location of the samples, the groundwater flow in the area and the potential use of the property by the County. DEP representatives added that the sample results may suggest further product remediation may be unnecessary and natural attenuation appropriate, although the applicable standards have not yet been met.
  • FMERA staff provided a description of the former gas station site on the Main Post in Oceanport, which will be an environmental carve-out of the Phase 2 property until such time that the site has been environmentally cleared. All USTs have been removed and two above-ground tanks remain. Sampling of groundwater is ongoing to assess current conditions. The DEP Case Manager noted that the Army is no longer operating the soil vapor extraction systems because the contaminant concentrations have decreased to a point where it was no longer effective. The DEP is awaiting additional reports from the Army. The Committee discussed the priority for the Army to address this future carve-out.
  • FMERA staff reported there are a total of 35 environmental carve-outs comprising approximately 60-70 acres within the Phase 2 property, subject to a final survey. FMERA staff provided a description of eight specific carve-outs: (1) the lime pit outside of the Myers Center; (2) a septic field in Parcel C-1; (3) transformer vaults in Parcel B; (4) a potential carve-out at Vail Hall which has since received a No Further Action (NFA) letter from the DEP and may be taken off the list; (5) a site within the Squier Hall complex; (6) a site outside the Commissary building; (7) a former gas station just outside the AcuteCare parcel; and (8) an electric substation in the eastern section of the Fort. These sites are in various stages of review and remediation by the Army, and have been or will be carved out of the Phase 1 or Phase 2 property. The Committee discussed the priority for each of these sites in the redevelopment process.
  • The final draft of the Finding of Suitability to Transfer (FOST) for the Phase 2 property is under review by the Army, and FMERA is expecting to see it by the end of the month. The document will be posted online and available to the Committee and the general public at that time.
  • FMERA is awaiting the Army’s updated asbestos report.

August 26, 2015

Kenneth J. Kloo stated that the Committee met on August 3rd and discussed the following:

  • Discussion regarding NJDEP representative’s summary of the compliance averaging process approved by the NJDEP as a way to approach the evaluation of contamination on a site-wide basis, in order to better evaluate the actual risk to the public. There are four acceptable approaches and complete delineation of a site is required prior to using any of the four methods. The Committee discussed the Army’s compliance averaging submittal for the Marina site, which DEP did not accept because it did not comply with existing guidance. The National Advocacy Group Representative stated that many environmental groups take issue with the compliance averaging approach because they believe it may allow sites to inappropriately proceed through the regulatory process. DEP representatives responded that New Jersey’s remediation standards and process are very conservative and, when applied appropriately, the compliance averaging process may better reflect the potential risk of exposure to contaminants.
  • Discussion regarding other options for closing out the Marina site which could include a restricted use No Further Action determination (NFA), which would reference all contamination remaining on site and require a deed notice and inspections every other year to ensure the remedy remained protective.
  • FMERA staff provided a summary of the M8 landfill, an approximately 8-acre former landfill on the Main Post. The Committee discussed the Army’s past investigations and more recent sampling results. FMERA staff noted that the Army’s last effort was to determine if the existing cover was sufficient, and ultimately concluded via sampling that it was not. Soil samples confirmed concentrations of PCBs and PAHs which may warrant hot-spot removal by the Army. Sampling of monitor wells continues due to elevated levels of volatile organics, pesticides and lead; however, the area of impacted ground water is limited and there has been no impact to the adjacent surface water. It was further noted that all of the landfills are considered environmental carve-outs for the future transfer of the Phase 2 property and, that if NFAs are not secured for the landfills, engineering and institutional controls will be required for ongoing monitoring and maintenance. Redevelopment of the landfills will be evaluated and any conditions that would detract from redevelopment must be identified for future landowners. Some committee members expressed reservations that a 2-foot soil cap would be sufficient due to its proximity to surface water.
  • FMERA staff described the Finding of Suitability to Transfer (FOST) process for the Phase 2 property, which is currently under review by the Army. The final draft should be shared with FMERA staff and the DEP for their review shortly. The Committee discussed the process, and it was noted that the Committee will have an opportunity to review as well.
  • Discussion regarding the current Requests for Offers to Purchase (RFOTPs).

July 15, 2015

Kenneth J. Kloo stated that the Committee met on July 13th and discussed the following:

  • Discussion and review of the Mandatory Conceptual Review process for the North Post Officer Housing. The one item of environmental concern noted by the developer is an active osprey nest which sits on a nesting platform constructed by the Army. DEP regulations prohibit any disturbance or removal of the nest during the breeding season of April 1 through August 31. The Committee discussed the ability of the developer to continue construction around the nesting platform without disturbing the nest. FMERA staff also noted that RPM has not reported any underground storage tanks during their environmental investigation of the parcel.
  • Discussion and update on the ongoing work to resolve the DEP-issued Notice of Violation at the Marina in Oceanport. The Marina Operator, who is also the potential purchaser, has filed a CAFRA Individual Permit application for approval of additions/changes to the building/deck, and is awaiting a response from the DEP. The Operator has also relocated docks that were identified outside of the Tidelands permit area, which could potentially mitigate public access issues identified by the DEP. DEP will be performing a site visit to confirm the dock relocation. Both the Army and Marina Operator provided the DEP with copies of federal consistency approval/tidelands/plans issued in the 1970s and 1980s. DEP’s review of these documents found the bulkhead cited in the Notice of Violation was authorized in the 1980s. There is an upland Tidelands claim on the property that the Army is researching and will contact the DEP to discuss how best to resolve this issue, prior to the Army conveying the title of the property to FMERA.
  • Update on the status of discussion related to underground storage tanks on the Main Post. During the negotiations related to the Phase 2 Economic Development Conveyance Agreement (EDC), the Army published a report that suggested upwards of 250 potential underground storage tanks used for residential heating purposes. It was noted that the Army would be responsible for addressing any contamination discovered at any time related to the tanks; however, there was some initial concern that the potential existence of any of these tanks could be a deterrent to redevelopment. FMERA and DEP representatives provided a summary of the federal and state regulations related to underground storage tanks, and the Comrnittee discussed the liabilities related to the tanks as property was transferred to private developers, as well as the claims process with the Army should these new owners discover contamination. Any impact on redevelopment appears to be minimal.
  • Update on the current and upcoming Requests for Offers to Purchase.
  • Update on the major issues included in the Finding of Suitability to Lease, or FOSL, for Buildings 60l, 603, 604 and 678, all located in Oceanport and planned for potential autonomous vehicle research. Army records indicate all underground storage tanks were removed from the site and three transformers were removed in the 1990s. No lead paint or asbestos materials were identified in the newer buildings (60l, 603 and 604), however, the FOSL identified areas of potential non-friable asbestos and lead paint in Building 678, which will not be an issue based on the parcel’s intended use as a non-residential structure.
  • The Monmouth County representative noted the Monmouth County Master Plan is currently posted online for public review and comment. FMERA staff will share the link with the Committee.

June 17, 2015

Bruce Steadman, on behalf of Kenneth J. Kloo, stated that the Committee did not meet this month due to a lack of agenda items.

May 20, 2015

Bruce Steadman, on behalf of Kenneth J. Kloo, stated that the Committee met on May 4th and discussed the following:

  • Overview of the current Requests for Offers to Purchase (RFOTPs).
  • Overview and update of the Natural Resource Inventory including the Environmental Features Checklist.
  • Overview and update on the Open Space Memo.
  • Discussion of a draft Finding of Suitability to Transfer (FOST) for all of the Phase 2 property.
  • Discussion regarding the ConRail remediation. FMERA is working with ConRail to determine if remediation could be performed to meet residential standards.
  • Discussion regarding the lime pit located in the Myer Center. The lime pit is located in a carve-out of relatively small acreage still owned by the Army. The DEP has received a RIFS for the site and the Army is preparing a Remedial Investigation Report (RIR).
  • Discussion on the 35-40 potential carve-outs of the Phase 2 property which total approximately 60 acres.
  • Discussion regarding the USGS monitoring well. The NJGS recommended closure of the well.
  • Discussed the differences between residential and non-residential remediation standards.
  • Discussion regarding the Main Post water and sewer infrastructure.

April 15,2015

Kenneth J. Kloo stated that the Committee met on April 6th and discussed the following:

  • FMERA staff opened the meeting with an overview of the Fitness Center parcel in Oceanport. FMERA is currently in negotiations with the prospective purchaser, with a closing expected in the fall of this year, dependent on the execution of a Phase 2 Economic Development Conveyance Agreement and closing with the Army. As the prospective purchasers would like to begin construction and secure customers, the Army has prepared a short-form lease to FMERA and FMERA would subsequently sublease the property to the purchaser, effective until closing with the developer. As such, the Army prepared an environmental document known as the Finding of Suitability to Lease (FOSL) for the property.
  • FMERA staff reviewed the significant items from the FOSL with the Committee. A No Further Action (NFA) letter was obtained for a steel tank removed at the pump station on the parcel. The Army also removed a steel tank from Building 114 and an NFA is forthcoming for that area. There are potential Unregulated Heating Oil Tanks still on the site and FMERA is working with the Army to secure records documenting the removal of the tanks. The Committee discussed the future demolition of the water tank, the strategy for moving forward with the JCP&L easement on the parcel, and potential asbestos identified in pipe insulation in the building.
  • FMERA staff then provided an overview of the Mandatory Conceptual Review for the AcuteCare site in Oceanport, noting that no environmental features will be impacted by the second phase of renovations at the former Patterson Army Clinic.
  • FMERA staff summarized the community update received from Two Rivers Water Reclamation Authority (TRWRA). The Army was historically assessed a base fee based on minimum flow. Water and sewer use has dramatically decreased, consequently, future assessments will be based on actual flow requiring the member municipalities to assume a larger percentage of the assessment.
  • FMERA staff also provided an overview of the sanitary sewer pump stations on the Main Post and the ongoing study and discussions with TRWRA to replace and/or remove pump stations. New upgrades will take advantage of existing topography.
  • FMERA staff discussed options for upgrading the Main Post water lines, which will be based on the phasing of development projects in the Oceanport area. The Committee discussed the existing infrastructure, and FMERA confirmed that the pipes are usable and the Army has provided and will continue to provide will-serve letters for the time being. Upgrading the pipes may be necessary for New Jersey American Water to accept the pipes in to their system.
  • FMERA staff provided an update on ongoing work at the Marina, including the forthcoming CAFRA permit application.
  • FMERA staff noted that preparations continue for the next auction of Phase 1 personal property, currently scheduled for April 21.
  • A new members was appointed to fill the real estate professional seat on the Committee. Gail Helfrick, of Brownfields Redevelopment Solutions and who resides in Monmouth County, will replace Leah Yasenchak.

March 18, 2015

Kenneth J. Kloo stated that the Committee met on March 9th and discussed the following:

  • FMERA staff opened the meeting with summaries for a small sample of outstanding issues to be resolved by the Army prior to FMERA’s acquisition of the Phase 2 parcels. These issues will not be carve-outs, but must be addressed prior to closing with the Army. The Committee discussed these issues, and the DEP Case Manager provided input as to the current status of these items.
  • FMERA staff provided a summary of potentially remaining underground heating oil tanks, both residential and non-residential. The DEP Case Manager noted these tanks have been part of an ongoing discussion with the Army. Committee members discussed strategies for identifying the remaining tanks and FMERA’s options for creating an escrow account for any remediation of the possible tanks as part of ongoing Phase 2 negotiations with the Army.
  • DEP representatives provided additional background information and an update on the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) well located within the FTMM-5 landfill. Due to a lack of information on well construction, the location of the well in the former landfill, and the future security and development potential of the site, the USGS and DEP agree that the well should be sealed and abandoned. As owner of the well, the Army will responsible for the well closure.
  • FMERA staff provided a summary of DEP violations received by the operator of the Marina in Oceanport. Three violations were noted, including the requirement to submit a CAFRA permit application. The operator is currently in the process of submitting an application for the CAFRA permit and will work with the DEP to address all violations, 2 of which date back to Army ownership.
  • FMERA staff updated the Committee on remediation planned by Conrail for its property along Main Street in Oceanport which provides a right-of-way for a high-power transmission line and high-pressure gas line. Conrail’s current plan contemplates remediation to residential standards for the property, but remediation only to non-residential standards for a similar, adjacent parcel on the Fort. FMERA is working with the Deputy Attorney General’s Office and Conrail to determine if all remediation can be performed to meet residential standards, as the surrounding property is planned for future residential development in FMERA’s Reuse and Redevelopment Plan.
  • The Committee chair encouraged Committee members to bring questions or concerns on environmental matters at the Fort directly to him or the DEP Case Manager. He reminded members that as representatives of their municipality or business sector, they are responsible for ensuring that, to the best of their ability, any public statements or postings on social media relative to Fort Monmouth and FMERA are true and accurate.

February 26, 2015

Kenneth J. Kloo stated that the Committee met on February 9th and discussed the following:

  • FMERA staff opened the meeting with a summary of the newly discovered debris area near the CW-3A landfill adjacent to Parcel F-2, which is planned for a veteran community in Tinton Falls. The DEP Case Manager has confirmed that the Army will include the new area in the delineation investigation for the CW-3A landfill remediation plan. Committee members discussed the historic use of the parcel and the materials observed. FMERA staff noted that the map included in the RFOTP for Parcel F-2 delineates both the original CW-3A landfill as well as the newly discovered material for prospective bidders.
  • FMERA staff were recently informed by the Army that the former skeet range in the Eatontown Reuse Area could potentially be included in the list of carve-out Phase 2 properties. The Army will be responsible for evaluating the area to determine the extent of any contamination, both on-site and off-site, as well as impacts to the existing wetlands.
  • FMERA staff shared information concerning a monitoring well located within the FTMM-5 landfill and maintained by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) to monitor regional ground water use. FMERA has notified both the Army and the USGS that they recommend closing the well prior to the purchase of the Phase 2 property. DEP representatives will investigate the issue and provide an update at the next Committee meeting.
  • The New Jersey Department of Human Services (DHS) has signed a 6-month Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for the Megill Housing in Eatontown as a secondary location to house asymptomatic health-care workers that return to the state from countries afflicted by the Ebola virus. Informed stakeholders included the mayors of the local municipalities, the County, and all relevant health and public safety officials. The Committee discussed any environmental concerns arising from this use of the buildings.
  • FMERA staff provided a summary and status of existing and upcoming Requests for Offers to Purchase (RFOTPs).
  • In response to an invitation to discuss other issues, the Oceanport representative raised several questions about materials distributed at the Restoration Advisory Board (RAB) meeting in January concerning Buildings 700 and 296, and which were apparently discussed at recent Oceanport Council meetings. The DEP Case Manager clarified that Building 296 received a No Further Action (NFA) letter from the DEP for ground water and an investigation of ground water contamination at Building 700 is ongoing. Although there is no indication that the groundwater contamination at Building 700 is impacting surface water, monitoring and testing by the Army will continue as long as necessary; nor is there any indication that there is a potential for migration of vapors to nearby homes. The Oceanport representative also asked about the safety of the drinking water at the Main Post Firehouse, where the Oceanport Police Department is currently a sub-lessee. It was noted that the Fort’s drinking water is provided by the New Jersey American Water Company, not an on-site well, and it meets all DEP standards.

January 21, 2015

Kenneth J. Kloo stated that the Committee met on January 12th and discussed the following:

  • FMERA staff shared their assessment of debris recently observed outside the boundaries of the previously defined CW-3A landfill in Tinton Falls. The DEP Case Manager inspected the area and will be providing an assessment and recommendations at the next Committee meeting.
  • FMERA staff provided a summary of the Title V Air Permits that FMERA inherited with the transfer of the Charles Wood Area in August of 2014. Title V permits are required for facilities with major sources that emit pollutants exceeding 100 tons per year. Numerous pollution sources have been eliminated which will allow termination of the Title V permit and conversion to individual permits. This is a noteworthy accomplishment for FMERA staff and good for the environment.
  • FMERA staff discussed the water allocation permit that allows the diversion of approximately 6 million gallons per month of surface and ground water at the Golf Course in Eatontown for irrigation purposes. FMERA has submitted an application for renewal of this permit to the DEP, however, once the Golf Course is sold, the permit will be transferred to the new owner.
  • FMERA staff described the 900 Area, which is potentially suitable for sublease. The Army prepared a Finding of Suitability to Lease, or FOSL, which is currently in draft form. FMERA staff reviewed the FOSL, noted that the ongoing ground water study by the Army will continue and that the Army will terminate their lease with FMERA should the study indicate that is necessary.
  • Committee members requested an update on Phase 2 Carve-outs and landfills. FMERA staff will prepare an update for the February meeting.