FMERA Board Approves Entrance into PSARA with Kiely Realty Group for Pistol Range, Fire and Police Training Area and Satellite Road Parcel
The Fort Monmouth Economic Revitalization Authority (FMERA) Board this month authorized FMERA staff to enter into a Purchase and Sale Agreement & Redevelopment Agreement (PSARA) with Kiely Realty Group, LLC (Kiely) for the sale and renovation of the Pistol Range and the Fire & Police Training Area as well as the adjacent Satellite Road Parcel in Tinton Falls.
Kiely will redevelop the property in two phases. During Phase 1, Kiely will develop the existing indoor firearms range into a for-profit commercial firearms range, offering a shooting and educational experience to the public, government entities and private membership. Kiely plans to build a 10,000 square-foot addition onto the existing structure, expanding the educational and training areas of the range. The conceptual plan calls for the integration of outdoor lighted displays of Fort Monmouth historical artifacts and monuments. Kiely also proposes green initiatives on the site, including roof-mounted solar energy and a rain garden. Kiely expects to create a minimum of 25 full- and part-time jobs at the property plus eighty temporary positions by the end of 2018.
For Phase 2, Kiely will lease the adjacent 5,000 square-foot structure located in the southwest part of the property to K. Moorea, LLC, doing business as Traffic Plan. Currently located in Farmingdale, Traffic Plan, which provides traffic safety solutions to utility companies, municipalities, and private contractors throughout New Jersey and Pennsylvania, intends to relocate five management and sixty union employees to Fort Monmouth. Traffic Plan expects to add an additional 40 union jobs to the leased site.
Long Branch-based Kiely includes three affiliated organizations, the oldest of which dates back to 1952, with a demonstrated record of successful business ventures and job creation.
All Board actions take effect at the expiration of the statutory period for the Governor’s review and consideration of the meeting minutes.