Suneagles Golf Course Sees Uptick in Activity, Readies for Spring Season

Fort Monmouth Economic Development Authority (FMERA) Director of Facilities Planning Rick Harrison noted at FMERA’s March meeting that Suneagles Golf Course operator Linx Golf Management is busy readying the course for the spring season. Preparations include cleaning up the fairways and removing debris, spraying the greens with fertilizer, and continuing to overhaul and repair maintenance equipment.
Harrison also said that Linx Golf Management hired a seasoned head superintendent, as well as new crew members in advance of the spring season.
According to Linx Golf Management Chief Executive Officer Stephen Rice, the golf course saw a 400-round increase in golf played last month over February 2016. The increase was attributed to higher-than-usual temperatures this winter.
For more information about Suneagles Golf Course, visit